Friday, April 10, 2009

Hi Angie. Whenever you have a minute, can you add Chic Dortmund to "A wing & a prayer"? (See email below) I would greatly appreciate it...! Soak up the rays...

Nicole Ryan

Hello Friends. I am writing to request your a HEAVY dose.
Chances are good that my Dad has colon cancer. He will find out for sure tomorrow afternoon. He had a colonoscopy yesterday and it was not good. Because of what the doc saw during the test, he also ran a CAT scan, did a biopsy and ran some blood work. My mom explained it as he (my Dad) has a lot of 'junk' in his much that the doc could only get in about 4 in. There is a slim chance that it is just IBS...with God's grace, that is what we are hoping for. At this point we are praying for a miracle. It is killing me to even type this, as the thought of my Dad being ill again is too much for me to comprehend. I cannot seem to wrap my mind around it. Because of my Dad, I truly believe in the power of prayer...this is where YOU come in. Many of you already know my Dad, some have yet to meet him. Regardless, he is a beloved man who means a great deal to my family. So, please, once you finish this email, stop and pray for him. Remember, prayers come in all shapes and sizes! I cannot thank you enough for taking some time to pray for my Dad's health. Of course I will be in touch about his test results sometime this weekend.

Mandy (& my Dad, Mom, Lee and Matthew)

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posted by Angie Seaman at 6:54 AM |


This blog is intended for those individuals requesting prayer for themselves or someone they know who needs prayer as well. Whether we know you personally or whether you are just a passer by on this blog, we would love to lift you or someone you know up in prayer.

Do you have a praise? If so, we'd love to hear about that and share Gods blessings as well. The bible states that for two or more people who come together in agreement of prayer will have their prayers answered. Therefore, this place is our place to lift one another up when prayer calls all while knowing that there are not just two but hundreds of us in agreement.

Want to keep things anonymous, we can do that too. Either post anonymously on the blog or feel free to shoot me an email at No matter what, your prayers are safe with us should you not want names and full details released to the blog world.

In His Grip,
Angie Seaman