Monday, October 12, 2009
Hi Angie. Can you please add Bohdy Brandon Russ to the prayer blog? He was born 9 weeks early via c-section (yesterday) b/c his cord was wrapped around his neck. He has a big sister Saylor and his parents Steve & Amy Russ who love him so much!

Thanks Angie! Love and hugs, Nicole

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posted by Angie Seaman at 1:27 PM |


At October 18, 2009 at 6:04 PM, Blogger Tanya said........
I am praying for this sweet baby. Please post updates.

At November 4, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Blogger LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said........
Hi Angie,
I'm here for the first time visiting and came on over from Linda at Lime & Coconut. What a traitor you are....just teasing!! I'm a Hoosier too and envy your move to Naples. My husband's grandparents used to live there and it's gorgeous! Lucky you!! Think of us back here in Siberia! Blessings and prayers for this little guy born prematurely. My son went full term but had the cord wrapped 3 times around his neck so C Section also. I also have a nephew that was born at five mos. and looked much like him....he lived and is doing well. Good luck on your move...22nd (my son's birthday) Luanne

At November 19, 2009 at 6:12 PM, Anonymous Nicole Ryan said........
Bohdy is doing GREAT! He is up to 3lbs and is breathing on his own...! He will be out of ICU, into a less critical unit, so he is making great strides! Thank you all for the prayers...but keep them coming!!!

This blog is intended for those individuals requesting prayer for themselves or someone they know who needs prayer as well. Whether we know you personally or whether you are just a passer by on this blog, we would love to lift you or someone you know up in prayer.

Do you have a praise? If so, we'd love to hear about that and share Gods blessings as well. The bible states that for two or more people who come together in agreement of prayer will have their prayers answered. Therefore, this place is our place to lift one another up when prayer calls all while knowing that there are not just two but hundreds of us in agreement.

Want to keep things anonymous, we can do that too. Either post anonymously on the blog or feel free to shoot me an email at No matter what, your prayers are safe with us should you not want names and full details released to the blog world.

In His Grip,
Angie Seaman